Case study 2
In 2020 we began working with The Embodied Facilitator to promote their various embodied learning events of the year. This was culminated in October when they endeavoured to put on the worlds largest online conference. We were commissioned to take the 100 talks occurring per day for 14 days and processing them before the next 100 came in the following day. We here at Foley and the Champ pride ourselves on our ability to graft and work hard but up until this event, we didn't know the meaning of hard work.
The Embodiment Conference was a free online event for people all around the world to tune in and connect with one and other through the lens of embodiment. Over 500 thousand people benefited from the free talks over the two week period which, in the face of the ongoing pandemic, was a ray of sunshine in many of their lives.
Despite the substantial workload, we were also expected to continue providing bespoke and engaging content for the conference's social media as we had been doing prior to the event. Of course, in order to deliver what would go on to become over 2200 video and audio files we had to expand our team by 300% for the 2 week period.
Being a part of what has now went down in history as the worlds largest online event was a genuine pleasure and something we are proud to say we were able to manage. For now however it is nice to work on a slightly smaller scale of delivery!
Since the conference we have continued to work with the Embodied Facilitator producing online courses and promotional videos. We hope this relationship will continue to grow and that we are able to aid them in spreading their message of positivity further and to more people around the globe.